AEGIS and Seven Blind Mice at a Major Hospital Security Operations Center
Security staff at major hospitals have a lot on their plate. Hospitals operate in many various capacities, and so, too, do their Security Operations Centers. Keeping a close eye on all areas of a hospital, from crowded emergency rooms, to operating rooms, infant nurseries, controlled substance closets, to patient information records areas, requires a lot of eyes. But it needn’t require a lot of computer mice!
We at KapLogic recently paid a visit to a major Medical Center Security Operations Center. We noticed they had a table between the two security operators tasked with monitoring the facility. On that table were seven computer mice. Seven! So naturally we asked them why. They explained that they were the mice for their seven computers containing the seven security systems they were monitoring. We found this puzzling, so asked them how they knew which mouse went to each computer. They replied that they would watch the curser on the computer they needed and started moving the mice. When the curser moved, they knew they had the correct mouse. While this process may have worked, it was far from efficient.
The capabilities of our powerful Aegis software immediately came to mind as it provides a simple common user interface for various security and information subsystems operations. It would be perfect for improving the efficiencies at this security operations center. Aegis did indeed solve the problem by “unifying” all of the security systems into one common graphical-user-interface. Now the security operators are able to control all of the systems through Aegis using one mouse. Aegis brought together all the seven security systems into one unified, seamless security system. The power and feature sets of the seven security systems are now made available through the Aegis operator interface.
Aegis is helping meet the specific security challenges for this major medical center. It has virtually unlimited integration capabilities, requires very little training time, and can be used in any monitoring or security environment where security officers are at a computer monitoring station.